introducción a los tipos de cámaras y sus funciones.Exploración de los modos de disparo: automático, manual y semiautomático.Elementos clave de la composición fotográfica: regla de los tercios, perspectiva, encuadre. Actividad Práctica: Tomar fotos aplicando los conceptos aprendidos. Analizar y discutir las imágenes en la siguiente clase. lase 2: Edición Básica de Fotografías Objetivos: Familiarizarse con herramientas de edición básicas. Comprender la importancia de la postproducción en la fotografía digital. Contenido: Introducción a software de edición (puede ser Adobe Lightroom, GIMP, o cualquier herramienta gratuita). Ajustes básicos: exposición, contraste, saturación. Retoque y corrección de imperfecciones. Actividad Práctica: Editar las fotos tomadas en la clase anterior. Comparar las versiones originales y editadas. Clase 3: Fotografía de Retrato y Paisaje Objetivos: Entender las técnicas específicas para retratos y paisajes. Practicar el uso de la profundidad de campo. Contenido: Consejos para retratos: iluminación, enfoque en el sujeto. Técnicas para fotografía de paisajes: composición, uso de trípode. Experimentación con la profundidad de campo. Actividad Práctica: Salida al aire libre para practicar retratos y fotografía de paisajes. Conclusión: Desarrollo Continuo en Fotografía Objetivos: Inspirar la búsqueda continua de habilidades fotográficas. Proporcionar recursos para el aprendizaje continuo. Contenido: Recursos en línea para aprender más sobre fotografía. Comunidades y grupos de fotografía para unirse. Proyectos personales y desafíos fotográficos para mejorar habilidades.
¿Te gustaría tomar fotografías geniales con cualquier cámara de fotos? Este es el curso que necesitas! dinámico, entretenido,con ejemplos y explicado sencillamente. Vas a conocer las Reglas de Composición Fotográfica: Regla de los terciosCentro de interésDirección y flujoLíneasTemperatura del color: Colores cálidos y friosRegla de las miradas La luz: Direcciones/intensidad/calidad/temperatura.
La masculinidad tiene mucho que abandonar para contribuir a la verdadera equidad, entre uno de esos abandonos, se encuentra la heterosexualidad obligatoria y la homofobia, que estan estrechamente ligadas a "los deberes de ser hombre" No se puede contribuir a las luchas femeninas sin luchar con la exclusion interna hacia otros hombres, sobre todo aquellos que no cumplen con los mandatos patriarcales.
What is Anger Management? Anger management is a set of skills and strategies that can help people to control their anger and express it in a healthy way. It is a process of learning to identify your triggers, understand your anger, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Why Is Anger Management Important? Anger is a normal emotion, but it can become a problem if it is not managed effectively. Uncontrolled anger can lead to a number of negative consequences, including: Interpersonal problems. Anger can damage relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. Physical problems. Anger can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health problems. Legal problems. Anger can lead to aggressive behavior, which can result in arrests, lawsuits, and other legal problems. Job loss. Anger can lead to job loss, as it can make it difficult to work effectively with others. How Does Anger Management Work? Anger management programs typically teach a variety of skills and strategies, including: Identifying triggers. The first step in anger management is to identify your triggers, or the things that make you angry. Once you know your triggers, you can start to avoid them or develop coping mechanisms for dealing with them. Understanding anger. It is also important to understand the different stages of anger, as well as the physical and emotional symptoms of anger. This can help you to recognize when you are starting to get angry and take steps to calm down. Developing healthy coping mechanisms. There are a number of healthy coping mechanisms that can help you to deal with anger in a constructive way. These include relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, as well as assertiveness training. Types of Anger Management Programs There are a number of different types of anger management programs available, including: Individual therapy. This is one-on-one therapy with a therapist who specializes in anger management. Group therapy. This is a group setting where you will learn anger management skills and strategies with other people who are also struggling with anger. Online therapy. This is a type of therapy that is delivered over the internet. You will work with a therapist who specializes in anger management, but you will do the therapy sessions from the comfort of your own home. How to Find an Anger Management Program If you are interested in finding an anger management program, there are a few things you can do: Talk to your doctor. Your doctor can recommend a therapist or program that is right for you. Search online. There are a number of websites that list anger management programs in your area. Ask your friends or family. If you know someone who has successfully completed an anger management program, ask them for their recommendations. Conclusion Anger management is a valuable skill that can help you to improve your relationships, your health, and your overall well-being. If you are struggling with anger, there are a number of resources available to help you. Talk to your doctor, search online, or ask your friends or family for recommendations to find an anger management program that is right for you. Here are some additional tips for managing anger: Take a time-out. If you start to feel yourself getting angry, take a few minutes to cool down. Go for a walk, listen to music, or do something else that will help you to relax. Talk to someone you trust. If you are feeling angry, talk to a friend, family member, therapist, or other trusted person. They can help you to understand your anger and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Practice relaxation techniques. There are a number of relaxation techniques that can help you to calm down when you are feeling angry. These include deep breathing, meditation, and yoga. Learn to assertively express your needs. Instead of bottling up your anger, learn to assertively express your needs in a way that is respectful of yourself and others. Avoid alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and drugs can make anger worse. If you are struggling with anger, it is important to avoid these substances. Remember, anger is a normal emotion. However, if it is not managed effectively, it can have negative consequences. Anger management can help you to learn how to control your anger and express it in a healthy way.
El presente curso, pretender introducir a los y las participantes en el conocimiento sobre los derechos humanos, su relación con los grupos vulnerables (mujeres, hombres, LGTBI+, adultos mayores, niñez, pueblos originarios y con discapacidad) y hacer reflexiones de estos en la participación ciudadana y política. Tener un panorama claro que permita el análisis integral de la situación en Honduras y ser parte del cambio cultural y democrático.