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    Frances para principiantes

    El frances es un idioma que en los ultimos años ha tomado bastante popularidad, gracias a esto es mas comun que haya mas gente interesada en aprender este idioma. Durante este curso se aprenderan temas basicos para el aprendizaje del frances. Empezando en el capitulo 1 por los numeros y los colores, para depues pasar al capitulo 2 donde se enseñaran otros temas como la familia y las frutas, para terminar con el capitulo numero 3 con las palabras mas comunes y utiles en el frances, terminando el curso con los animales del reino animal.

    21ReviewsTeacher: Leonardo
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    The verb to be

    The english language is a difficult one to master, howeve with this verb to be guide I believe that the student will take a relaxed look at how the language is and what to expect from it, they will go on a self-discovery journey and I will be the guide. I am still a student for teaching languages, so feel free to give any pointers. This is a very beginner friendly guide to English learning oriented towards Spanish L1 speakers.

    19ReviewsTeacher: Arturo
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    English for beginners

    A very simple English course to get you into the language. English is a West Germanic language of the Indo-European language family, originally spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England. Modern English has been spreading around the world since the 17th century by the worldwide influence of the British Empire and the United States. Through all types of printed and electronic media of these countries, English has become the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions and professional contexts such as science, navigation and law. Modern English grammar is the result of a gradual change from a typical Indo-European dependent-marking pattern, with a rich inflectional morphology and relatively free word order, to a mostly analytic pattern with little inflection, a fairly fixed subject–verb–object word order and a complex syntax. Modern English relies more on auxiliary verbs and word order for the expression of complex tenses, aspect and mood, as well as passive constructions, interrogatives and some negation.

    20ReviewsTeacher: Carlos David Salazar Lopez