B2 or not B2 | FCE: B2 First Certificate Cambridge Course

FCE: B2 First Certificate Cambridge English Exam Preparation Course


Course in English

  • 30 days Money Back Guarantee

  • Certificate of Completion

  • More than 6 hours of content

  • Lifetime

Teacher: Rory Rudd



  • Understand the FCE exam structure (B2 First Certificate)
  • Perfect the best strategy to answer all the questions in the FCE: B2 First exam
  • Watch how examiners mark various FCE exam papers
  • Prepare yourself effectively for the FCE exam

Instructional level



  • You should have a lower-intermediate (A2-B1) level of English
  • It is better if you have a personal computer (pc) or laptop & a printer
  • The course will be easier for you if you can play downloaded mp3 music on your computer

Who should take this online course

Students who would like to get into university with a lower intermediate (A2-B1) level of English!

People who would like to get better jobs and have a lower intermediate (A2-B1) level of English!

People who would like to have more job opportunities and has a lower intermediate (A2-B1) level of English!

Students who want to have proof of their English language ability!

Students who want a B2 English language certificate!