CCNP Routing and Switching ROUTE 300-101 Complete Video Course is a comprehensive training course that brings Cisco CCNP R&S ROUTE exam topics to life through the use of real-world demonstrations, animations, live instruction, and configurations, making learning these foundational networking topics easy and fun.
Best-selling author, expert instructor, and double CCIE Kevin Wallace walks you through the full range of topics on the CCNP Routing and Switching ROUTE 300-101 exam, including fundamental routing concepts; IGP routing protocols, including RIPng, EIGRP, and OSPF; route distribution and selection; BGP; IPv6 Internet connectivity; router security; and routing protocol authentication. This unique product contains multiple types of video presentations, including live instructor whiteboarding, real world demonstrations, animations of network activity, dynamic KeyNote presentations, doodle videos, and hands-on router and switch CLI configuration and troubleshooting in real lab environments, allowing you to both learn the concepts and the hands-on application.
The 149 videos contained in this product provide you more than 12 hours of instruction. Modules are divided into easy to digest lessons and conclude with summaries and interactive module and glossary quizzes to help assess your knowledge. In addition to the review quizzes, the product also contains interactive exercises to help you truly learn the topics in each module. The product concludes with a series of lessons that give you valuable advice to help prepare for the actual exam.
Designed to take you inside CCNP routing concepts in a unique and interactive way, CCNP Routing and Switching ROUTE 300-101 Complete Video Course is guaranteed to help you master the foundational networking topics that will help you succeed on the exam and on the job.
Complete CCNP Level Routing and Switching Knowledge
Instructional level
Course Requirements While this complete video training product does not assume any prior knowledge of network administration or configuration, you should understand the fundamental purposes of a network and be comfortable working with a computer.
Who should take this online course
Who Should Take This Course?
Anyone interested in obtaining their CCNP Routing and Switching certification or anyone interested in learning fundamental routing concepts and configuration skills