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Jose Luis De Jesus Morales


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City, Country
Toa Alta, Puerto Rico
ContabilidadMatemáticasLiderazgo y manejo de personalliderazgo educativoliderazgo de equipo
AcademicPersonal DevelopmentTeacher TrainingLanguagesBusinessMusic
Professional Experience
DEPR Director escolar Secundaria , Supervisor de Matematicas, Adultos, Evaluacion gerencial, maestro de matematicas 7-12 1993 - 2021
Contabilidad, BBA Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico 1989 - 1994
Administracion de Empresas, BA Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico 1989 - 1994
Matematicas, creditos puros en matematicas subgraduados 45 creditos Universidad de Puerto Rico - Bayamon, Universidad Interamericana- Cupey 1999 - 2003
Contabilidad, Administracion de Empresas, MBA Universidad de Puerto Rico- Recinto de Rio Piedras 1997 - 2003
Administracion y Supervision, Educacion, Ed.d(Abc) Universidad de Puerto Rico-Recinto de Rio Piedras 2005 - 2016
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    Curso De Excel Intermedio

    Excel es una hoja de calculo para análisis de datos, con múltiples capacidades y recursos, que permite organizar de la manera más armónica y efectiva los datos y los números que se manejan cotidianamente, hacer cálculos a partir de fórmulas y funciones; generar gráficos para representar nuestra información; crear tablas o modificar el formato de nuestras planillas.

    178ReviewsTeacher: Wilder Figueroa Restrepo
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    Visual Basic para Aplicaciones en Excel

    Visual Basic para Aplicaciones (VBA) es un lenguaje de programación de Excel para el desarrollo de macros. Este curso está conformado por 31 lecciones diseñadas para usuarios intermedios o razonablemente experimentados en Excel y organizadas de forma tal que puedas seguir el curso de una forma lineal y sencilla, así como saltar a una lección en específico que te enseñe a hacer la acción que estás interesado en realizar VBA. Cada lección está orientada a resolver un problema en específico, permitiéndote realizarlas de manera correcta y sin mucho esfuerzo desde tu programa. Toma este curso y aumenta tus conocimientos con todo lo relacionado a la programación en Visual Basic usando el editor de Aplicaciones que Microsoft Excel tiene integrado, ésta es una poderosa herramienta que te ayudará a potenciar tu negocio con éxito. Con este curso aprenderás: - Cómo crear una macro en Excel: Donde aprenderás a automatizar tareas en Excel usando VBA (Visual Basic) y creando estas macros. - Modelo de Objetos de Excel: Aprenderás sobre los objetos Workbook, Worksheet y Range tres elementos indispensables para dominar la programación en VBA en Excel. - Variables: Aprenderás a usar variables de una manera efectiva, como almacenar un valor en una variable, como inicializarlas todo usando VBA. - Sentencias de control: Verás lo útiles que resultan las sentencias de control, Si condicionales, switches, etc... Para llevar a cualquier aplicación VBA al lugar que tu quieras cuando se cumpla una condición. - Sentencias bucle: Una de las características mas antiguas y potentes de cualquier lenguaje, especialmente en VBA verás lo sencillo que es iterar o realizar un bucle para repetir procesos o bloques de código. - Eventos: Aprenderás a escribir código que reaccione a eventos que ocurren en las hojas de Excel o en el libro, cuando cambie un valor en una celda, o cuando el usuario realice alguna acción. Gracias a los eventos podrás ejecutar cualquier código VBA cuando un evento ocurra. - Arrays o arreglos: Un array es una pila de variables. Como estructura de datos resultan muy útiles ya que es posible integrar sobre ellos. - Funciones y subrutinas: En VBA para Excel es posible crear funciones y formulas personalizadas o crear subrutinas que hagan procesos sobre un libro concreto o multitud de hojas.Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre programación en Excel, como crear macros, formulas personalizadas y trucos secretos de Excel que solo son posibles usando programación.

    21ReviewsTeacher: José María Estrade
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    Creating a Sexual Harassment Training that Actually Works

    Federal law prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace. The EEOC encourages all employers to take steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring. One of the main ways employers try to help is through sexual harassment training programs. In this course, we will discuss how to create sexual harassment training that will actually work. What will you learn in this course? Why tackle sexual harassment (federal law and ethical considerations)What is sexual harassment and how does it related to other forms of harassmentRealistic expectations for your training programWhat it takes to actually end harassment in the workplace

    0ReviewsTeacher: Jennifer Hancock
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    English for very begineers

    Here’s how to teach English to beginners. Think back to your childhood. Do you remember when an adult asked you something and you just stared open-mouthed (not because you were trying to be rude or anything) because it was all gobbledygook to you? That’s exactly how ESL beginners feel in a language classroom. If the teacher starts rambling in a language they don’t understand, they’ll just get nervous and shut down. Woman at whiteboard with marker ready to writeYou’ve got a clean slate to start with when teaching English to complete beginners. In your first English lesson for beginners, adults or otherwise, you don’t want to scare the sh** out of your students. Put yourself in their shoes—how would you feel if some stranger starts saying weird stuff at you and expects you to reply in the same alien language? It’s nerve-wracking and mortifying, to say the least. Here’s everything you need to know when it comes to teaching English to complete beginners. (Don't have a provider lined up yet? Give Premier TEFL a look!) Why beginners are a little more challengingAbsolute beginners are a tough nut to crack because they have no previous knowledge of English. They’ll be coming to you raw, sometimes without knowing their ABC’s, numbers, and common phrases like “Hello!” and “Goodbye!” They won’t know what nouns and adjectives are or how to form a sentence or question. On the other hand, false beginners think they know English because of past exposure. For instance, they’ve spent countless hours studying the language but can’t hold an English conversation with a native speaker. It’s up to you to diagnose your students’ language proficiency levels and prepare teaching English to beginners material that works on the basics before you get into anything more advanced. 6 tips to get you throughGIF, Dr. Strange on knees begging Teach me. Beginners learning ESL be like… Still scampering around trying to plan teaching English to beginners material? Here are 6 steps to teach English to beginners like a pro! 1. Keep it simple, stupid.This is the one of the most important steps to teach English to beginners. Many newbie teachers make the mistake of using too much English when giving their students instructions, praise, or other feedback. For instance, saying, “You guys, now we’re going to look at a new structure today so let’s get those textbooks out” in ESL beginner lessons makes you sound like you’re from Mars. Instead, say something like this: “Take out your textbooks. Okay?” with an OK sign if it’s culturally appropriate in the country you’re teaching in. Gestures are super important and help beginners better understand even when the classroom English seems clear to you. This tip will save your life if you’re teaching English to complete beginners. 2. Always check for understanding.A rookie mistake many persons teaching English to complete beginners make is assuming that the students have understood the lesson or classroom instructions. In your first lesson for beginners, adults or kids, your students may not be accustomed to the Western way of schooling where students raise their hands if they don’t understand. Instead, they may be feel embarrassed to admit ignorance in front of the class and prefer to remain silent. When teaching beginners English, you need to read your students’ body language to gauge whether they’ve understood and keep checking whether they've understood by asking, “Okay?” Students will let you know directly or subtly whether they’ve got it or not. 3. Give them lots of time to practice.In ESL beginner lessons, you cannot expect your students to get it immediately. You need to provide lots of examples, check for understanding, and then ensure that your class has enough time to practice what you’ve just taught them. When teaching beginners English, this usually means drilling the students (making them listen and repeat the language structure several times after you) and then having them practice it individually or with other students. Make sure to let them know that it’s okay to mess up during practice time so they don’t feel pressured to be perfect on the first try. 4. Show, don’t tell.One of the steps to teach English to beginners is to show, not tell, in the classroom. Students will better understand what you’re trying to say if you use visual cues rather than spill a lot of words in their direction. What does this mean exactly? Instead of saying, “Let’s learn the passive tense” practice how to teach basic English by giving clear examples of the target language structure with simple drawings, pictures, short skits, and exaggerated gestures. [Are You Abroad Right Now? We Want to Interview You!]5. Always use positive reinforcement.Here’s another one of the steps to teach English to beginners. If someone gives an incorrect answer, don’t yell, “You’re wrong!” Never, ever embarrass a student in front of the entire classroom. You’ll scar him or her for life and he or she will hate English forever because of you. Instead, try to create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom by praising your students often, even when they make mistakes. For instance, when doing English teaching for beginners, if they get the word right but just mispronounce it, say something like, “Okay, good!” and then repeat the word with the correct pronunciation so that you don’t shame the student and the rest of the class gets to hear the right way to say it. 6. Don’t be boring.English teaching for beginners doesn’t have to feel like pulling teeth. Instead, use lots of games to encourage your students to practice and produce the language you’ve taught. Also incorporate your students’ interests so they want to learn! For instance, don’t use Garfield if they love Hello Kitty! Also, nothing’s more dull that making students read from the textbook and fill in lame worksheets with lots of text and zero images. The sky’s the limit regarding how to teach basic English: trawl the interwebs for awesome ideas that will keep your students engaged throughout the lesson. [Check out this Ebook for all of the first-time teach abroad tips you'll need]7 ESL beginner lessons + activity ideasMan pointing to Lonely Planet for kids map with studentNo matter the age of your students, follow these steps to teach English to beginners. Ready to get the ball rolling? Here are some awesome ideas to get you up and running regarding how to teach English to beginners! Lesson idea #1: Show (But Don’t Tell)Teaching English to beginners material doesn’t have to be uncool! This game is similar to the party game, Charades. It can be used as a warm up or to practice the target language structure (s) with any age group. It’s a gesture and speaking activity. Students get into pairs. One student gets a flash card with the vocabulary word but he or she cannot show it to the other student. This student must act out the word with gestures and without using words. For instance, if the flash card says “ball” the student has to act out “ball” and the other student has to guess the word before time runs out (1-2 minutes). The students then switch roles so that the first student gets to guess and the second student has to act. This activity can be graded informally regarding the number of students who guess the right answer within the time frame.

    6ReviewsTeacher: Saymum Al Jubaer Mazumder
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    Introducción a PowerPoint 2010

    Este curso es solamente un introductorio a PowerPoint, con las 3 primeras secciones de mi curso completo de PowerPoint 2010, también disponible en Teachlr. Descubre todas la interfaz y funcionalidades básicas de PowerPoint de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. PRESENTACIÓN CON POWERPOINT 2010 I. La interfaz de PowerPoint 2010 Parte superior de la interfaz Parte inferior de la interfaz Parte central de la interfaz La vista Backstage Las opciones de PowerPoint Personalizar la cinta de opciones Personalizar la barra de herramientas de acceso rápido II. Abrir y guardar una presentación Abrir una presentación existente Guardar y Guardar Como Guardar y Enviar Comprobar la compatibilidad de mi presentación Autoguardado III. Las vistas Las vistas de presentación Opciones de Zoom Mostrar múltiples ventanas Cambiar el tamaño de los paneles

    34ReviewsTeacher: Nicolas Laczka