FREE CLASS for everyone - Work once, sell the same thing many times I stumbled across this opportunity when I was painting and looking for ways to make more money other than just selling the original piece of art. When you create an original piece of art you can only sell it once and then you have to make another one. But if you can take that design or idea, create a digital image or take a photograph and add that to a physical product such as a tote bag, a poster, a mug, a t-shirt, a framed print...well then you can sell that piece of art over and over again. Less work but more money! But if you are a busy artist, or a busy anyone, or you don't have the time, or the skills or the equipment to make those products, then that's where a Print on Demand partner can take care of all that for you. In the past you would still have to take your customer orders and send them to the printer, all of which would cut into your important time to make more art or spend with your family. NOT ANY MORE! Now you can completely automate the process so the whole thing is taken care of without you lifting a finger. I'll show you how to use Etsy to sell your products and Printful to make, package and post them. It's easier than you think, and opens up a whole world of opportunity for anyone with an art or design idea to share. No matter what you design or what type of art you create, if you can stick it on a mug, a bag, a t-shirt or similar you can sell it and enjoy a passive and additional income from what you create. Even if you aren't arty in the slightest you can create simple slogans or funny quotes to print onto products. Just sit back and watch the orders fly in, the products being shipped out and the money building up in your bank account – just like magic. A real passive income opportunity (but not a get rich quick scheme): A free-to-start business of your own with a (near) passive income - yeah right. We've all heard about these passive income gurus where the class costs you hundreds of dollars, but you need thousands of followers to make it work, and the income is anything but passive. But there are actually a few genuine ways that you can earn a small income that ticks away into your bank account without any ongoing maintenance needed - after you have invested just some time to set it up of course. At the time of creating this class, I've been travelling now for 12 months and am planning for 12 more. All that time I've been waking up to see sales going through and money trickling into my bank account without having to lift a finger. Nothing. I'm happy to share how I do it with you, and this class is free so there is nothing stopping you doing it too. In fact, I encourage you to do it, and I'll show you step by step how you can make it happen. The basics: Set up an online store with Etsy Stock it with products that you design but have not physically made or bought Sit back and do nothing (or you can spend some time promoting your store to get more sales) Those products sell A company makes the product and sends it to your customer (that's known as drop shipping) You keep the difference between what you sold it for and what it costs to make A true "work once, sell the same thing many times" effect that earns you a passive income from work that you carried out to design that product months or years before. Does it actually work? During the recording of this class, less than 24 hours after I finished setting up the dummy store used as an example, I had my first sale. A customer found my store and bought two cushions. So yes, it works. Of course, the better your designs, the more popular your products will be and the more sales you will make. And those who work hardest are luckiest! So stock your shop with lots of different designs to attract a wide range of customers - you get your first 40 listings in your Etsy store for free with the link I share in the class. It costs you nothing to get started so what have you got to lose? Your new store could be the next big thing! In the class, I will share a few inspiring examples of stores that are making hundreds or thousands of sales using this method, without ever making or posting a single one of them personally. If they can do it, so can you. What you will learn in this class: This class is for beginners and covers everything you need to get started with your own online store. Our topics will include: How to open an Etsy store if you don't already have one How to open an account with Printful How to easily integrate the two accounts so they 'talk' to each other about your orders How to set up your first product in Printful and 'push' it to your Etsy store Making your first product live on Etsy How to offer personalized or custom items (a big seller on Etsy) How to order discounted samples Using the mockup generator to create additional images for your products Using an external mockup generator to make your products stand out What happens when an order comes in Customising and branding your packing slip What is NOT covered in the class: Our beginner class is just to get you started with Etsy and Printful, and show you how it works. What is NOT covered in this class, but available through multiple other classes here on this platform: * SEO for your Etsy store (get more customers from search traffic) * Graphic design skills * Marketing for your store
Ante los retos que enfrentan las instituciones educativas como consecuencia de la sociedad del conocimiento y de la globalización en la que están inmersas, se requiere replantear el liderazgo educativo, buscar líderes que consigan traducir el planteamiento estratégico en ejecución operacional, función que engloba el análisis de la situación, la toma de decisiones, la capacidad de persuasión y las competencias relativas a la gestión de personas. Este curso “liderazgo educativo en el aula”, está basado en la ponencia de Gros et al (2013), presentada en el XXXII Seminario Interuniversitario de Teoría de la Educación sobre Liderazgo y Educación de la Universidad de Cantabria, Santander España, en la que alude la evolución que ha tenido el Liderazgo en distintas décadas, así en los 80 se distinguía por buscar líderes controladores con una visión racionalista y burocrática de las organizaciones, en tanto en los 90 centran la atención en líderes que tuvieran la capacidad de planificar y ejecutar estratégicamente, repensando conceptos, innovando en la organización y haciendo posible el crecimiento, en la actualidad aseveran las escuelas requiere una nueva visión del liderazgo, éste debe de ser de corresponsabilidad de los actores que intervienen: padres de familia, alumnos, directivos, profesorado y autoridades educativas. Mencionan también que el binomio liderazgo-educación se convierte en pertinente si nos lleva a la reflexión pedagógica de como asumirlo en los diferentes contextos educativos, así dividen el liderazgo educativo en tres dimensiones: pedagógico, distribuido y moral, las cuales están relacionadas y garantizan un liderazgo eficaz, reto de todo actor educativo.
En este curso verás DESDE CERO y paso a paso cómo crear una web Mobile First y Responsive Design, siguiendo una metodología de trabajo profesional y de forma sencilla. Durante el curso te muestro como yo he creado mi propia pagina web "". Este curso adicionalmente funciona como complemento al curso "Diseño Web" que encontrarás en mi perfil de Teachlr.
Este curso nos servirá de introducción al curso que he denominado: "Pérdidas, duelos y resignificación de la vida", el cual estará disponible en En este curso nos acercaremos al concepto de ritual y su importancia en el proceso de elaboración del duelo. Es un curso dirigido a todo público y de corta duración. Se espera que con los contenidos de este, los participantes puedan reflexionar y cuestionarse sobre sus propios rituales y el lugar que se le están dando, además de adquirir un nivel de tolerancia hacia la diferencia, pues veremos en el transcurso del mismo que los rituales varían mucho de una cultura a otra. Está diseñado por el psicólogo Andrés Urrea quien está a su completa disposición para cualquier duda o sugerencia.
En este curso gratis de SEO aprenderás técnicas de posicionamiento on page y off page de páginas webs para que sepas como aparecer en las primeras posiciones de Google y otros buscadores como Yahoo!, Bing y DuckDuckGo. Conocer el funcionamiento de SEO, así como sus mejores prácticas, estándares y actividades penalizadas o no correctas se han convertido en un aspecto fundamental de toda página web que desee alcanzar el éxito.