The Hanon finger exercises have been a regular feature of learning the piano for more than a century, but the many printed versions look intimidating and don't offer much guidance. This Musicarta video introduction will get you acquainted with these tremendously useful exercises quickly and painlessly and let you get on with building your keyboard skills right away. For your practicing convenience, the exercises have also been uploaded individually.
HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE: Learn how to make money from home with my step-by-step plan to build a $5,000 per month passive income website portfolio (based on building 10 websites that make at least $500 per month each). In association with NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. ALL INSTRUCTIONS ARE FULLY DETAILED AND STEP-BY-STEP SO ANYONE CAN FOLLOW THEM EASILY. Online passive income is the ultimate dream. Making money while you sleep. Everybody wants it. But is it really possible? The short answer is "yes." The longer answer is "yes, but it isn't easy to accomplish." If it was, wouldn't everyone be doing it? In my course, I give you a step-by-step plan on how to develop a passive income website portfolio and show you how making money online actually works. The specific plan I teach is designed to make you $5,000 per month in passive income earnings, based on 10 websites, with each website having a targeted earnings level of at least $500 each. Once you understand the process though, you can decide to build 20 of these websites, or 100! When you stop is up to you (and yes, there are people making tens of thousands of dollars per month on the Internet based on these concepts - they just love the work and don't ever stop building new websites or expanding their current ones!). What's great about the business plan that I teach you is not only the income level you will accomplish if you follow through, but all that you will learn in the process. The first lesson you are taught is how to build a website or blog using WordPress on your own domain (without having to learn how to code). The skills you learn in this course will enable you to build all kinds of online businesses and open the door for all kinds of entrepreneurial projects you may have. Note: When I say we will be creating a website using WordPress, I don't mean creating one through the WordPress website. Websites created through the WordPress website are severely limited in what you can do with them and offer very little flexibility overall. The method I teach enables you to create truly professional websites by installing the WordPress software and you won't be limited in any way. Not only that, you will be able to evaluate business ideas much more intelligently once you've gone through this whole process. You will understand the fundamentals of keyword research & analysis, traffic & lead generation, social & affiliate marketing, monetization & conversion testing, and traffic analysis. These skills will help you immensely in ANY business you ever decide to start (online or not, passive or not). Generating an online passive income won't happen overnight and takes a lot of hard work, but going through the process is completely worth it and having an exact plan of action is the ONLY way to ensure success. Let me put it this way: if you were offered no pay for six months for 40+ hours of work per week, but after those six months, you got $5,000+ per month for the rest of your life, would that be worth it to you? If that idea isn't unbelievably exciting to you, then this isn't the business for you. This isn't a get rich quick scheme. This is a business. Except with this business, instead of trading your time for money (like most jobs), you are investing your time. You work hard now and continue to reap the benefits indefinitely. Building an online business takes a lot of work and a lot of patience, but the rewards can be amazing. That's the kind of business I teach you in this course. Lesson brought to you by: Sign up for my FREE weekly newsletter to learn different money making strategies: Also includes occasional updates regarding ranking strategies, new traffic generation techniques, important announcements, etc. You can also learn my entire lesson plan in book form. To learn how to build a $5,000 per month passive income website portfolio, completely step-by-step in book form, click here: You may also be interested in my other book: How to Start a Blog that People Will Read. It has similar principles as my first book, but the overall strategy is different. This one is more focused on writing about a topic you love and developing a loyal readership. To learn how to make money online by blogging, click here: If you are interested in outsourcing the entire SEO backlinking process through my personal team, click here:
Adobe Photoshop es un editor de gráficos rasterizados, usado principalmente para el retoque de fotografías y gráficos, su nombre en español significa literalmente "taller de fotos". Este curso está conformado por 34 lecciones de dificultad sencilla, organizadas de forma tal que puedas seguir el curso tanto de una forma lineal, así como saltar a una lección en específico que te enseñe a hacer la acción que estás interesado en realizar sobre tu imagen. Cada lección está pensada para que domines totalmente cada aspecto de Photoshop de forma sencilla y así poco a poco irás integrando todos los conocimientos. No importa si nunca has abierto el programa o si ya conoces algo de Adobe Photoshop, al finalizar este curso habrás aprendido a reemplazar los colores en tus fotos, eliminar personas, crear elementos sobre tus imágenes, editar tus imágenes, desde brillo y contraste, hasta hacerte más musculoso o más delgada, cambiar paisajes, retocar, etc.
En este curso podrás dar tus primeros pasos en el mundo de la programación ya que explicamos desde cero los conceptos básicos de la programación; conceptos que no solo se usan en Python, sino también en otros lenguajes de programación. Si no sabes nada de este tema, o sabes poco, o simplemente quieres recordar algunas cosas, este curso es para ti. Te enseñamos desde como instalar lo necesario hasta conceptos prácticos para que puedas crear tus primeras aplicaciones. Estamos un 100% seguro que los temas que te daremos a conocer en este curso serán temas que te enseñaran en cualquier Universidad con materias relacionadas a la programación. ¿Que esperas? Inicia ya este curso y aprende al máximo. PDT: en el link que dejare a continuación fue creado con el fin de apoyarnos para que podamos seguir generando cursos de programación de manera gratuita, ya que creemos firme mente en compartir conocimiento, pero como todos tenemos nuestras necesidades económicas por lo que si puedes ayudarnos estarías contribuyendo amplia mente a la creación de mas contenido. Gracias por apoyarnos!!! También podrás descargarte nuestra App desde Play Store y aprender mas con todos los cursos que tenemos. Descargala y no pares nunca de aprender...
Todo buen cocinero sabe que aprender cómo usar correctamente el cuchillo es la base de una carrera prometedora. En este curso aprenderás las técnicas básicas de cómo se debe usar el cuchillo, la posición de las manos, la correcta ergonomía y cómo realizar los cortes universales de la manera más segura y eficiente. Suscríbete ya y aprende los secretos de la mano de Merlín Gessen.