Tai Chi for Balance and Beyond- A Low-Impact Exercise for Improving Fitness and Preventing Falls????-??? Reduce the risk of falls and improve balance with Tai Chi - a low-impact exercise that's been practiced for centuries. Studies show it can increase strength, flexibility, and overall fitness, making it ideal for older adults. Follow our course and start slowly. #TaiChi #Balance #Fitness #Tai_Chi_Fitness Welcome to Tai Chi Fitness, your go-to resource for information and guidance on the benefits of Tai Chi for physical and mental health. At Tai Chi Fitness, we believe that everyone can benefit from the gentle and flowing movements of Tai Chi, regardless of age or fitness level. Whether you are looking to improve your balance, flexibility, cardiovascular health, or reduce stress and anxiety, Tai Chi can offer a range of benefits for your body and mind. Our website provides a wealth of resources for those who want to learn more about Tai Chi and its many benefits. From articles and blog posts to instructional videos and online classes, we are committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals and enhance your overall well-being. Our team of experienced instructors and practitioners are passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise, and we are dedicated to helping you discover the joys and benefits of Tai Chi practice. So whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, we invite you to explore our website and join us on the journey to better health through Tai Chi. Tai Chi Fitness is a holistic approach to physical activity that utilizes the gentle and flowing movements of Tai Chi exercises to improve overall fitness and wellness. Tai Chi is widely recognized as a low-impact form of exercise that provides a full-body workout while improving balance, coordination, and reducing stress. Beyond its physical benefits, Tai Chi has been shown to have numerous mental health benefits, including reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, and improving cognitive function and sleep quality. Incorporating Tai Chi fitness into your routine can be an effective way to improve cardiovascular health, muscle strength and endurance, flexibility, and range of motion. Whether you’re a beginner or have experience with Tai Chi, Tai Chi Fitness is an excellent way to improve your overall health and well-being. With its gentle movements and focus on mindfulness, Tai Chi Fitness can be an enjoyable and sustainable form of exercise for people of all ages and fitness levels. So, join us on the path to a healthier and happier you with Tai Chi Fitness.
Chen Style Tai Chi New Frame First Routine is one of the oldest martial arts in China, originating from Chen Family Village in Henan Province. It was created by Chen Wangting, and later developed into the New Frame by Chen Fake, with its finalized routine by his son, Chen Zhaokui. The New Frame First Routine of Chen Style Tai Chi primarily uses the techniques of warding off, rolling back, pressing, and pushing, with the secondary techniques of plucking, rending, elbow striking, and shoulder striking. The movements are intended to be smooth and gentle, with an open and extended frame, a grounded and stable stepping pattern, and natural and upright body posture. Chen Style Tai Chi New Frame First Routine is a type of slow and gentle aerobic exercise, which has a unique movement style and sophisticated techniques for both defense and offense. ???????????????????????????????????,????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? New Frame Routine 1 (Xin Jia Yi Lu) consists of 84 postures and 831 movements, while New Frame Routine 2 (Xin Jia Er Lu) contains 71 postures and 471 movements, each with unique hitting, punching, kicking, and wrestling techniques. The application of each movement in fighting and fitness, as well as Qi application, is explained in detail, revealing the essence of this ancient fighting art. As Walt Disney once said, "There is no magic in magic; it's all in the details." Details are essential in understanding and mastering the authenticity of Chen Style Tai Chi. The lineage of this martial art can be traced back to Chen Fake, who taught Chen-style t'ai chi ch'uan in Beijing after moving from Chen Family Village in Henan province. Although Chen Fake did not leave any written articles, "Chen Style Taijiquan," edited by Shen Jiazhen and Gu Liuxin and published by People's Sports Publishing House in December 1963, includes illustrations based on his posture photos. Chen Zhaokui, the third son of Chen Fake, trained many practitioners of Chen Style Tai Chi throughout China, including his son, Chen Yu, who currently teaches Chen Style Tai Chi around the world. Ma Hong, Zhaokui's student, wrote "Chen Style Taijiquan Illustrations," a book with detailed documentation of New Frame Routine. By presenting this routine in detail and explaining it in English, David is determined to share his knowledge and help others decode the essence of this authentic fighting Tai Chi.
Este curso está dirigido a estudiantes de primaria. El propósito del mismo, es que los niños puedan iniciarse en el estudio de las operaciones bádicas como lo son: La adición, las sustracción, las multiplicación y las división. Así podrán desarrollar fácilmente planteamientos de nuestra vida cotidiana y ver la matemática como parte de nuestra vida.
Este curso básico de Git está orientado a aquellas personas que quieren aprender a utilizar este sistema de control de versiones distribuido. Aprenderás a utilizar Git de forma correcta para tener siempre una copia de tus proyectos. Aprenderás desde las las configuraciones básicas en Git y las formas básicas de añadir al STAGE (escenario) y hacer commit (guardar), hasta merges (uniones de ramas), donde veremos los tres tipos que hay. Es un curso que se irá ampliando poco a poco con cursos más avanzados, además de totalmente práctico.
Visual Basic para Aplicaciones (VBA) es un lenguaje de programación de Excel para el desarrollo de macros. Este curso está conformado por 31 lecciones diseñadas para usuarios intermedios o razonablemente experimentados en Excel y organizadas de forma tal que puedas seguir el curso de una forma lineal y sencilla, así como saltar a una lección en específico que te enseñe a hacer la acción que estás interesado en realizar VBA. Cada lección está orientada a resolver un problema en específico, permitiéndote realizarlas de manera correcta y sin mucho esfuerzo desde tu programa. Toma este curso y aumenta tus conocimientos con todo lo relacionado a la programación en Visual Basic usando el editor de Aplicaciones que Microsoft Excel tiene integrado, ésta es una poderosa herramienta que te ayudará a potenciar tu negocio con éxito. Con este curso aprenderás: - Cómo crear una macro en Excel: Donde aprenderás a automatizar tareas en Excel usando VBA (Visual Basic) y creando estas macros. - Modelo de Objetos de Excel: Aprenderás sobre los objetos Workbook, Worksheet y Range tres elementos indispensables para dominar la programación en VBA en Excel. - Variables: Aprenderás a usar variables de una manera efectiva, como almacenar un valor en una variable, como inicializarlas todo usando VBA. - Sentencias de control: Verás lo útiles que resultan las sentencias de control, Si condicionales, switches, etc... Para llevar a cualquier aplicación VBA al lugar que tu quieras cuando se cumpla una condición. - Sentencias bucle: Una de las características mas antiguas y potentes de cualquier lenguaje, especialmente en VBA verás lo sencillo que es iterar o realizar un bucle para repetir procesos o bloques de código. - Eventos: Aprenderás a escribir código que reaccione a eventos que ocurren en las hojas de Excel o en el libro, cuando cambie un valor en una celda, o cuando el usuario realice alguna acción. Gracias a los eventos podrás ejecutar cualquier código VBA cuando un evento ocurra. - Arrays o arreglos: Un array es una pila de variables. Como estructura de datos resultan muy útiles ya que es posible integrar sobre ellos. - Funciones y subrutinas: En VBA para Excel es posible crear funciones y formulas personalizadas o crear subrutinas que hagan procesos sobre un libro concreto o multitud de hojas.Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre programación en Excel, como crear macros, formulas personalizadas y trucos secretos de Excel que solo son posibles usando programación.