El presente curso, pretender introducir a los y las participantes en el conocimiento sobre los derechos humanos, su relación con los grupos vulnerables (mujeres, hombres, LGTBI+, adultos mayores, niñez, pueblos originarios y con discapacidad) y hacer reflexiones de estos en la participación ciudadana y política. Tener un panorama claro que permita el análisis integral de la situación en Honduras y ser parte del cambio cultural y democrático.
El código de ética es un documento que contiene principios éticos y valores inherentes a la conducta. El código de ética está muy relacionado con el carácter, la moral, el comportamiento de una persona y la ética profesional, aunque muchos no le prestan atención, la ética es una de las particularidades más importantes a la hora de relacionarnos con el entorno. Dependiendo de esta, varía nuestro comportamiento, costumbres y desarrollo en la sociedad, además, muchas personas crean su primera impresión de lo que somos y cómo somos. Lo que quiere decir que, si tenemos una buena ética, nuestros comportamientos valores serán mejores. Convirtiéndonos en las mejores personas, creando una buena conducta e imagen ante los demás y abriendo las puertas a nuevas oportunidades, sobre todo si nos caracterizamos por una ética laboral intachable.
Diseño instruccional: el arte de la arquitectura del eLearningAl crear un programa de formación, se espera que los estudiantes absorban la nueva información y sean capaces de aplicarla en la práctica por medio de este curso, conocerá como ser diseñador instruccional y ¡crear un aprendizaje que realmente funcione!El diseño instruccional es el proceso de “arquitectura” de las experiencias de aprendizaje y no se debe confundir con la enseñanza. Aunque hay superposiciones considerables, el diseño instruccional se realiza varios pasos antes de que cualquier enseñanza se lleve a cabo. El objetivo del diseño instruccional es determinar la manera más agradable y digerible de ofrecer contenido educativo. Es la ciencia de crear experiencias de aprendizaje efectivas y atractivas, la ciencia de cómo la gente aprende.
Using SketchUp is a great way to create 3D models whether you work in architecture, interior design, woodworking, or engineering. It has a user-friendly interface with a lower learning curve than other computer aided design programs. While it is friendly and easy to use, it is also very robust with a wide variety of tools and actions to learn. We will explore the essential tools of SketchUp so that you have a solid foundation to build your 3D modeling skills. Build your 3D modeling skills by mastering the basics of SketchUp. In this course, get up to speed with this easy to use 3D modeling application by gaining a foundational understanding of the drawing and design tools offered in the 2019 version of SketchUp. This tutorial covers navigating the interface, manipulating objects, drawing, leveraging organizational tools, and working with materials and textures. In addition, learn how to apply simple styles and animation to make your 3D projects more polished and presentable. Topics include: • Navigating SketchUp • Creating camera views • Configuring the toolbars on Mac and Windows • Selecting, moving, and scaling objects • Using the line tools for 3D drawing • Creating rectangles, outlines, circles, and freehand shapes • Creating 3D text • Using the measurement and labeling tools • Organizing drawings with groups and layers • Creating components and using components from the 3D Warehouse • Creating and applying materials • Working with textures • Rendering and animating drawings
AutoCAD Electrical • Difference between CAD and CADE (CAD Electrical):- Tells about the basic advantages of AutoCAD electrical over normal CAD. • Different types of wires and wire layers:- This session is the first step for an electrical engineer to get into ACADE. • Inserting components from CAD library:- Must know the function to set the component scale and rotation angle. • Source and destination arrows:- This is one of the most useful features in AutoCAD Electrical, which enables to do easy wire cross-referencing (From and To). • Creating intelligent title blocks with ladder cross-referencing:- Many times people do manual editing in each title block individually and with a thorough understanding in the “title block” function within ACADE, one can do the changes in all sheets in one go. • Component and source-destination arrow cross-referencing:- In electrical circuits, we use parent and child components (eg. Coil and Contacts of a relay) in different parts of a project. In order to study and read one circuit, it is always necessary to trace the locations of all the parts of one component. This automatic cross-referencing is another major advantage of ACADE. • Project Manager functions:- Managing a project in a proper way is as important as creating a set of drawings. This skill makes you a perfect professional design engineer. • How to create new symbols and user circuits:- The more and more you use ACADE, you may require more components and circuits which are not there in the standard CAD library. By creating new standard user circuits and symbols you will become master of this art. • NEMA and IEC electrical circuit:- These are the two major standards which normally use to design electrical circuits. In this session, we will use both the standards to design the same circuit and will spot the difference. Finally, we will do one sample project covering Single Line Diagram, Panel Layouts, Cable tray layouts, Room layouts, Schematic (Wiring) diagram, and generating Bill of Materials. 1. Introduction and WiresA) About ARCADEB) Inserting WiresC) Different Wire TypesD) Trimming WiresE) Wire Numbers 2. ComponentsA) Inserting ComponentsB) Editing ComponentsC) Copying ComponentsD) Deleting ComponentsE) Component Cross-Reference 3. Customizing Wire NumbersA) Different types of Wire NumberingB) Adding a prefix to Wire Numbers 4. Customizing Component Cross-ReferenceA) Different types of Cross ReferencingB) Customizing TaggingC) Customizing Cross-Reference 5. Creating Circuits (PRACTICAL)A) Sample circuit using Wires & Components