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Sebastian Casco

Language Learner

Hello! My name is Sebastian and I am a student and a culture enthusiast. My goal in this platform is to share my enjoyment of studying languages and diving head-first to the learning of new languages and cultures. Hope you can enjoy some of my compilations for language learning.
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Languages and LinguisticsKorean
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  • cover

    Korean Basics

    Hi! My name is Sebastian, I am a student of the Korean language and a Korean culture enthusiast; I have seen a variety of introductory videos on YouTube and I compilled a series of videos to introduce you to the wonders of the Korean language, in this course you will learn to read and write the basic Korean alphabet! Starting with the vowels and consonants. Make sure to strap on and be ready for a fun ride learning a new language! There are also many other videos you can find on the topic, but the ones selected in the course have been my favorite. Hope you enjoy my selection and continue the journey of learning Korean.

    3ReviewsTeacher: Sebastian Casco
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    Frances para principiantes

    El frances es un idioma que en los ultimos años ha tomado bastante popularidad, gracias a esto es mas comun que haya mas gente interesada en aprender este idioma. Durante este curso se aprenderan temas basicos para el aprendizaje del frances. Empezando en el capitulo 1 por los numeros y los colores, para depues pasar al capitulo 2 donde se enseñaran otros temas como la familia y las frutas, para terminar con el capitulo numero 3 con las palabras mas comunes y utiles en el frances, terminando el curso con los animales del reino animal.

    21ReviewsTeacher: Leonardo