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Diego Enrique Giffuni Arroyo


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    3 Minute Spanish - Free taster course

    Have you ever tried to learn Spanish before and failed? 3 Minute Spanish is like no other language course. The way this method works means you will succeed and be speaking Spanish by the end of the first lesson. “I’m not very good with languages” I get told this all the time by new students who want to prepare me for how bad they are going to be at learning to speak Spanish. No matter how bad you think you are with languages, no matter how bad you think your memory is, no matter how terrible you think you are at understanding Spanish, you will be amazing with 3 Minute Spanish. The way the 3 Minute Spanish course is set out means you cannot fail. You will be building sentences in a logical, step-by-step method, learning words and phrases that you will be able to use when you go on holiday to a Spanish speaking country. How does the method work? I break down the Spanish language into its smallest components and then I show you how to build it back up into sentences. You will get plenty of opportunity to practise with the language and you will be amazed at how quickly you make noticeable progress. Can I really learn Spanish in 3 minutes? I called the course 3 Minute Spanish because three minutes is the perfect amount of time you need to learn anything. I’ve kept each video to around three minutes so that you can watch at least one video per day no matter how busy you are. It is much better to study for three minutes every day than to study for an hour once a week. If you stick to three minute chunks, you will find wonderful things start to happen with your language learning: 1. You’ll maintain your enthusiasmIf you want to learn anything, you have to maintain enthusiasm or else you won’t continue. If you limit your study time to just three minutes, you’ll keep Spanish fresh and exciting and you’ll be eager to learn. If you spend hours studying, very quickly you’ll get bored with Spanish and it’ll turn into a chore. 2. You’ll study more consistentlyIt’s much better to study for just three minutes once a day than to study for three hours once a week. A spare three minutes is relatively easy to find even in the most hectic of schedules. If you make sure you complete at least one three-minute study session every day, it’ll quickly become a habit that you’ll do without thinking. It’s much easier to fit in a daily three-minute habit than a weekly one hour habit. By doing this, you’ll become a much more consistent learner, and consistency is the key to success. 3. You’ll remember things betterThis is my favourite reason as to why you should limit your study to just three minute chunks. If you study something for just three minutes every day, you’ll trick your brain into memorising the information more quickly than if it were to see the information for hours each day. It’ll think, “I see this information every day so it must be important, but I don’t see it for very long so I’d better hold onto it and make it into a memory fast!” You’ll be amazed at how much more easily things tend to stay in your brain if you limit yourself to just three minutes a day. Sign up now and start speaking right away! So, if you want to learn to speak Spanish quickly and with a simple method that you can use even if you have no free time at all, then give 3 Minute Spanish a go and you’ll be very pleased you did. This is the free taster course for the 3 Minute Spanish series, and it contains the first three lessons of the full course. All lessons are broken down into three minute chunks. Once you have completed this course, if you want to progress further, you can find “3 Minute Spanish – Course 1” to learn even more Spanish! Muchas gracias (thank you very much) Kieran  

    2ReviewsTeacher: Kieran Ball
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    Dibujo de Anime Vol. 1 Creación de Personajes

    Aprende a crear tus propios personajes de Anime usando las herramientas necesarias sin necesidad de una tableta digital. Con este curso pretendo enseñarte de manera práctica como dibujar tus personajes desde 0, no importa si no tienes conocimientos previos de adobe flash o de dibujo, aquí te enseñare las 2 cosas. Usaremos figuras geométricas para realizar diferentes elementos del personaje, con estas figuras podremos hacer: Ojos para adulto, niño, adulto mujer, niña, bota, nariz, orejas, cabeza, cabellos, etc... 

    11ReviewsTeacher: Abel A. Arenivar
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    Introducción a PowerPoint 2010

    Este curso es solamente un introductorio a PowerPoint, con las 3 primeras secciones de mi curso completo de PowerPoint 2010, también disponible en Teachlr. Descubre todas la interfaz y funcionalidades básicas de PowerPoint de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. PRESENTACIÓN CON POWERPOINT 2010 I. La interfaz de PowerPoint 2010 Parte superior de la interfaz Parte inferior de la interfaz Parte central de la interfaz La vista Backstage Las opciones de PowerPoint Personalizar la cinta de opciones Personalizar la barra de herramientas de acceso rápido II. Abrir y guardar una presentación Abrir una presentación existente Guardar y Guardar Como Guardar y Enviar Comprobar la compatibilidad de mi presentación Autoguardado III. Las vistas Las vistas de presentación Opciones de Zoom Mostrar múltiples ventanas Cambiar el tamaño de los paneles

    34ReviewsTeacher: Nicolas Laczka
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    Cocina 7.0

    Aprende a cocinar de forma rápida, fácil, práctica, moderna e innovadora algunos de los principales platillos de los 7 continentes, con las más básicas herramientas de la cocina y podrás realizar la mejor reunión gourmet en tu casa. Con este curso aprenderás a hacer arepas, sandwiches, hamburguesas, pastas, pizzas, pinchos, entre muchas otras cosas con sabores de distintas regiones del mundo, combinados de una forma muy creativa para abrirte la mente y logrando que tu también inventes y combines tus propias recetas. Aprenderás entreteniéndote con los Chefs Ricardo Navarro, Giacomo Nocerino y Miguel Fernández de Señor Potato Gourmet.

    129ReviewsTeacher: Ricardo Navarro
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    Make your summers count for a successful college admission

    For many students, summers are the best time accomplish various activities and grow! So why not make your summer’s count for something that will support your high school and college experience? Our course “Make Your Summers Count” will discuss how you should plan your summers in order to support your college admissions goals. We will review some important summer program options related to academics, volunteer work, career exploration and ways to personally enrich yourself, among others. Join us as we look at strategies to make the most out of your summer months! In this course you will learn about: Why you need to plan out your summer The four essential summer components How to create a summer plan that will support your college admissions goals We hope from this course you are able to create a summer that will not only be enjoyable, but successful for your future college admissions process.

    5ReviewsTeacher: Claudine Vainrub