Instructors should always promote a positive environment, act in a professional manner and become role models for their students.
Teachlr prohibits the use of its service for illegal activities, such as copyright infringement, piracy, hacking, among others. Instructors under any circumstances should promote these activities, even if other users request such information. Teachers should discourage and warn their students about the illegality of these actions.
Subjects that deal with politics, philosophy or religion frequently involve the personal viewpoint of the teacher. In order to maintain civility, instructors should state clearly when an answer may be controversial or based purely on the teacher's own opinion, as well as specify sources or references when appropriate.
Teachlr prohibits the publication of all kinds of medical information, as no Internet site can replace face-to-face professional help for medical or nutritional problems. In case of having a health issue, users should exercise caution and common sense, and seek prompt medical attention. There is no guarantee that the information posted on this site represents safe medical advice, and serious consequences could ensue if a health condition is ignored, misdiagnosed, or mistreated.
Subjects that deal with politics, philosophy or religion frequently involve the personal viewpoint of the teacher. In order to maintain civility, instructors should state clearly when an answer may be controversial or based purely on the teacher's own opinion, as well as specify sources or references when appropriate.