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Juan Ramon Cubillo G

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    Excel Total

    Excel Total Funciones Esenciales es un curso donde en forma practica y paso a paso vas aprender a utilizar y comprender las Función BuscarV, Sumar.Si, y la función lógica Si. Aprenderás a utilizar estas funciones a través de ejercicios prácticos. Ademas vas aprender a crear tablas a utilizarlas de forma eficiente. También vamos a desarrollar un ejercicio practico un Gestor Inventario que tu puedes modificar según tus necesidades.  Lo mas importante compartiré contigo material de apoyo.    

    229ReviewsTeacher: Marisol del Carmen Ramos Astudillo
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    The verb to be

    The english language is a difficult one to master, howeve with this verb to be guide I believe that the student will take a relaxed look at how the language is and what to expect from it, they will go on a self-discovery journey and I will be the guide. I am still a student for teaching languages, so feel free to give any pointers. This is a very beginner friendly guide to English learning oriented towards Spanish L1 speakers.

    19ReviewsTeacher: Arturo
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    Present Continuous

    Grammatical structure and a practice video for listening comprehension of the "Present Continuous" tense. With this course, students will be able to understand correctly the correct usage of the present continuous tense, by knowing the correct grammatical structure that is going to be used, while, at the same time, practicing their hearing aspect by listening to a couple of videos that some are explanatory as well, and others that are examples of people saying the tense. This will help students to see properly how the language is used and done, so they can observe and listen to how is it really used with native speakers of the language English, with the "Present Continuous" tense.

    3ReviewsTeacher: Elisa Amaro
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    Excel Total Modulo II Caso Practico

     Este en un curso practico donde iremos desarrollando paso a paso un Gestor para Restaurant, el cual tu puedes modificar según tus intereses. Ya que es una bese para implementar cualquier tipo de gestor, donde puedes guardar la información diaria en este caso de una de las Mesas de nuestro local para lo cual vamos a implementar una macro que haga esta tarea en forma automática. Vamos a aprender nociones básicas de programación VBA.    

    16ReviewsTeacher: Marisol del Carmen Ramos Astudillo