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Nidia Solange Riascos Hurtado

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    Learn Accounting Basics & Business English in 29 Minutes

    Yes, learning ACCOUNTING can be EASY, FAST, and FUN! Yes, you can learn ACCOUNTING even if you don’t like MATH. Yes, you can learn BUSINESS ENGLISH at the same time. In 29 minutes, you will learn the basics of accounting by watching a business simulation game. Guaranteed to teach you more about accounting in less time than any other course. This is a VERY basic and brief introductory course. Bonus content included. Let's get started. What you’ll learn - Accounting Basics- Balance Sheet- Income Statement (P&L)- General Ledger- Debits & Credits- Double-Entry Bookkeeping Are there any course requirements or prerequisites? - No prior knowledge needed Who this course is for: - Business Students- Business Owners- Startup Founders- Current and aspiring Managers  

    1ReviewsTeacher: Mathew Georghiou
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    Storytelling & Future of Work: Fortune 500 Leaders

    Your ability to master storytelling best practices will determine whether you reach your business and career goals in the hybrid and remote future of work of our increasingly-disrupted post-COVID world. Unfortunately, our intuitive leadership style is adapted to pre-pandemic work arrangements in the office, and is poorly suited to the hybrid and remote future of work. Our gut reactions on storytelling best practices in the future of work can’t be trusted, as revealed by research in behavioral economics, psychology, and cognitive neuroscience. So how do the leaders of Fortune 500 companies make the right calls on storytelling best practices in the hybrid and remote future of work? They follow evidence-based storytelling best practices as revealed by such research. In this course, you will master techniques for gaining storytelling skills by drawing on cutting-edge behavioral science and real-world best practices from Fortune 500 leaders. After taking this course, you will:• Master storytelling best practices used by Fortune 500 leaders to seize competitive advantage for their bottom lines and careers in the future of work• Maximize productivity, engagement, retention, and morale in the hybrid and remote future of work through storytelling best practices• Develop a plan with specific next steps to adapt for yourself the best practices used by Fortune 500 leaders for storytelling skills• Discover how to lead collaboration and innovation most effectively through storytelling best practices in the hybrid and remote future of work• Learn the dangerous judgment errors called cognitive biases that undermine successful leadership in the future of work and how Fortune 500 leaders defeat them• Feel truly confident about whether you mastered the best storytelling best practices to make the right calls in the hybrid and remote future of work Sounds too good to be true? These methods were successfully used by Aflac, Applied Materials, Entergy, Honda, Jones Lang LaSalle, IBM, Reckitt, Wells Fargo, and Xerox to dramatically improve the skills of their top executives, senior VPs, middle managers, and lower-level supervisors in leading telecommuting teams. I trained the leaders at these Fortune 500 companies, as well as at numerous middle-market companies and quickly-growing startups, on storytelling best practices. More broadly, I served for over 20 years as the CEO of the boutique future-proofing consultancy Disaster Avoidance Experts. Below is a sample testimonial from a recent training. Here’s a recent testimonial from Dan Rooney, Senior Vice President at Jones Lang LaSalle, a company ranked #186 by Fortune, speaking about the impact of my training:• “Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to present to our Consulting team last week. The content was spot-on and provided a unique perspective into building culture, driving innovation and brainstorming across telecommuting and hybrid teams (among other things). I appreciate your willingness to partner leading up to the presentation to ensure the content was tailored for the audience – it made the discussion that much more impactful. I have received positive feedback from a number of team members and look forward to collaborating more in the future!” Here's another recent testimonial by an executive at a Fortune 200 high-tech manufacturing company, whose policy precludes publicly revealing the name of the company:• Dr. Gleb's presentation to our key leaders from around the world illuminated the complexities and need for an innovative strategy to navigate a hybrid workplace and design the future state of work. We found great value in his ability to illustrate common judgment errors, called cognitive biases, that many leaders make by remaining anchored to traditional work norms, instead of adopting new best practices for collaboration, innovation, and performance evaluation in hybrid and fully-remote teams. His presentation generated important conversations about the need to adopt and adapt to these new norms in order to drive retention, productivity and collaboration and attract new talent. Dr. Gleb is an excellent presenter, combining data-driven expertise with an empathetic and engaging speaking style, along with outstanding use of slides. He thoroughly customized his materials to our needs, using our case studies and even learning and speaking our internal company language, while providing clear and specific next steps to integrate his insights into our work. Dr. Gleb is a highly professional, flexible, and easy-to-work-with speaker, and accommodated all of requests gracefully and successfully. His book on this topic distributed to leaders after the presentation was a great bonus. I would highly recommend Dr. Gleb if you want your audience to have a highly customized and thought-provoking experience. I look forward to working with Dr. Gleb again in the future. My best-selling book, Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams: A Manual on Benchmarking to Best Practices for Competitive Advantage (Intentional Insights, 2021), will form the basis for this course. My expertise is featured in a total of 7 best-selling books, including global best-sellers Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters (Career Press, 2019) and The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships (New Harbinger, 2020). Further attesting to my global renown, my work was translated into Chinese, German, Russian, Korean, Polish, and other languages. This combination of business and science led to my expertise gaining global recognition. I published over 550 articles and gave over 450 interviews for prominent venues, such as Fortune, USA Today, CNBC, Fast Company, CBS News, Business Insider, Inc. Magazine, and Time. Besides my real-world, pragmatic expertise training and consulting for Fortune 500 companies, I have a strong academic background as a behavioral scientist. I spent 8 years at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, first getting a PhD in the History of Behavioral Science and then serving as a lecturer there. Then, I spent 7 years as a professor at the Ohio State University, where I published dozens of peer-reviewed behavioral science articles in high-quality academic journals such as Behavior and Social Issues and Journal of Social and Political Psychology. Thus, this course is thoroughly informed by cutting-edge research. That's what you can expect in this course: methods used successfully at even the biggest companies to seize competitive advantage, thoroughly informed by cutting-edge research, and featured in top media venues and best-selling books around the globe. The course features the following sections: 1) Storytelling: Introduction and course textbook packetLearning Objective: Learn what the course will be about and get my best-selling book on which the course is based, Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams: A Manual on Benchmarking to Best Practices for Competitive Advantage (Intentional Insights, 2021). 2) Storytelling: What do employees want in the future of work?Learning Objective: Understand employee desires based on large-scale surveys, in-depth case studies, and peer-reviewed articles on employee experiences and preferences on the hybrid and remote future of work 3) Storytelling: Why do leaders make bad decisions about the future of work?Learning Objective: Uncover the dangerous judgment errors that Fortune 500 firm leaders identified as most likely to derail the hybrid and remote future of work 4) Storytelling: Creating a competitive advantage in the future of workLearning Objective: Discover how forward-looking Fortune 500 leaders are creating a competitive advantage through moving to a hybrid and remote future of work model 5) Storytelling: A team-led approach in the future of workLearning Objective: Master the Fortune 500 best practices to determine the set-up and structuring of hybrid and remote future of work models through a team-led approach 6) Storytelling: Redefining office space and funding home offices in the future of workLearning Objective: Master the Fortune 500 best practices of funding home offices and reshaping office space to maximize productivity, wellness, and morale in the hybrid and remote future of work 7) Storytelling: hybrid and remote collaboration in the future of workLearning Objective: Master the Fortune 500 best practices of collaborating effectively in hybrid and remote teams 8) Storytelling: Innovation via intentional asynchronous brainstorming in the future of workLearning Objective: Master the Fortune 500 best practices of intentional asynchronous brainstorming to maximize idea generation for hybrid and remote teams 9) Storytelling: Serendipitous innovation and idea generation in the future of workLearning Objective: Master the Fortune 500 best practices of serendipitous innovation and idea generation in remote and hybrid teams 10) Storytelling: Training and mentoring in the future of workLearning Objective: Master the Fortune 500 best practices of on-the-job training and effective mentoring in hybrid and remote teams 11) Storytelling: How to deal with irrational colleagues about the future of workLearning Objective: Master how to deal with professional colleagues – supervisors, peers, subordinates – who express irrational beliefs and are in denial about the future of work 12) Storytelling: Next steps for lifelong learning in the future of workLearning Objective: Develop a specific plan with next steps for mastery of the course content and lifelong learning So why should you take my course rather than someone else’s alternative course? Simply because this course provides unparalleled value. No one else comes even close to my level of credibility in the course topic:• As a trainer for Fortune 500 companies• As a behavioral scientist• As a best-selling author• As a globally-renowned thought leaderSo if you want an alternative course that doesn’t offer top value and expertise, take someone else’s class. If you want the best, take this course. As part of this course, you will get a complimentary copy of my book, Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams: A Manual on Benchmarking to Best Practices for Competitive Advantage (Intentional Insights, 2021). It will contain the reading assignments for the course. Fortune 500 companies buy this book for their leaders to help them seize competitive advantage in storytelling best practices: you’re getting what they are getting. This is an intermediate-level course: at least a year of real-world experience in a professional setting is required to appreciate the strategies and case studies outlined in the class. Your registration is risk-free. See the terms and conditions for more. I look forward to welcoming you into the world of evidence-based, science-driven techniques tested in the real world of many Fortune 500 companies and numerous middle-market companies and startups. To ensure that you master the secrets of Fortune 500 companies to help yourself seize competitive advantage in storytelling best practices for the sake of your bottom line and your career, register now!

    2ReviewsTeacher: Dr. Gleb Tsipursky
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    Tag Questions en inglés. Explicación y usos prácticos

    Las "Tag Questions" o como también son conocidas en inglés "Question Tags" son fragmentos interrogativos cortos que siguen inmediatamente de una clausula principal sea esta declarativa o imperativa con el fin de obtener una respuesta rápida de otra persona, la tag question se formula para reafirmar lo dicho previamente o bien con el objetivo de conocer la opinión del interlocutor respecto a un tema. Usos principales de las "Tag Questions" o preguntas de confirmación - Obtener respuesta rápida sobre un tema. - Reafirmar lo expresado previamente. - Conocer la opinión del interlocutor. Como ves, este tipo de preguntas y su estructura son realmente importantes en el idioma inglés ya que son muy utilizadas en las conversaciones formales e informales del día a día.

    19ReviewsTeacher: Alberto Carranza
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    Formar oraciones en Inglés [Yes en Inglés Medio]

    Me place presentar el curso número 2 de la serie “Yes en Inglés”, concerniente al nivel medio. Si has consultado el curso número uno de esta serie, entonces sabes que en él se tratan temas bastante básicos del idioma de una forma en que se facilita al lector la gran tarea de aprender inglés. El autor de este curso tiene conocimiento de que hay personas que empiezan desde un nivel muy bajo en el idioma inglés y por ello pone a disposición explicaciones detalladas hacia este sector de la población. En este nuevo nivel se indican las formas correctas de hacer las estructuras gramaticales y, por tanto, se utilizará mucho de lo visto en el curso básico. Esencialmente se va a trabajar con el tipo de oraciones que podemos estructurar dependiendo de las formas en que queramos formularlas, ya sean afirmativas, negativas o interrogativas (preguntas) y también de los tiempos presente, pasado y futuro.

    110ReviewsTeacher: Alberto Carranza
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    aprender ingles fácil y rápido

    Es un curso tan corto, que la podrás acomodar a lo largo de unos días. Se trabajaran algunos temas básico del habla ingles. lengua: la comprensión auditiva, la expresión escrita. El curso es muy práctico y se exige la participación activa del alumno. curso de trabajo: no?presenciales. el alumno llega a ser capaz de desenvolverse en situaciones frecuentes relacionadas con áreas del ingles. 

    191ReviewsTeacher: valentina Mateus Motta